Top 5 Angelfish Types for Beginners


Top 5 Angelfish Types for Beginners

Angelfish are a popular choice for beginner fishkeepers due to their stunning appearance and relatively easy care requirements. With their graceful movements and vibrant colors, angelfish can add a touch of elegance to any aquarium. However, with so many different types of angelfish available, it can be overwhelming for beginners to choose the right one for their tank.

In this article, we will explore the top 5 angelfish types that are ideal for beginners. We will discuss their key features, care requirements, and provide valuable insights to help you make an informed decision. So, let's dive in and discover the perfect angelfish for your aquarium!

Key Takeaways:

  • Angelfish are a popular choice for beginner fishkeepers due to their stunning appearance and relatively easy care requirements.
  • The top 5 angelfish types for beginners are: Pterophyllum scalare, Pterophyllum altum, Pterophyllum leopoldi, Pterophyllum dumerilii, and Pterophyllum eimekei.
  • Each angelfish type has its own unique characteristics, care requirements, and compatibility with other fish species.
  • It is important to research and understand the specific needs of each angelfish type before adding them to your aquarium.
  • Providing a suitable environment, proper nutrition, and regular maintenance are key to keeping angelfish healthy and happy.

Pterophyllum scalare

Pterophyllum scalare

Pterophyllum scalare, also known as the common angelfish or freshwater angelfish, is one of the most popular angelfish types among beginners. It is native to the Amazon River basin and is known for its majestic appearance and peaceful temperament.

Key Features:

  • Distinctive triangular shape with elongated fins.
  • Available in various color variations, including silver, black, and marble.
  • Can grow up to 6 inches in height.
  • Peaceful and compatible with a wide range of fish species.

Table: Pterophyllum scalare Care Requirements

Parameter Requirement
Water Temperature 75-82°F
pH Level 6.0-7.5
Water Hardness 3-8 dGH
Diet High-quality flake or pellet food supplemented with live or frozen foods.
Tank Size 20 gallons or larger

Pterophyllum altum

Pterophyllum altum

Pterophyllum altum, commonly known as the altum angelfish or Orinoco angelfish, is a majestic species that originates from the Orinoco River basin in South America. While it requires more advanced care compared to other angelfish types, it can be a rewarding choice for experienced beginners.

Key Features:

  • Tall and slender body with long, flowing fins.
  • Typically silver or silver-gray in color.
  • Can grow up to 10 inches in height.
  • Requires soft and acidic water conditions.

Table: Pterophyllum altum Care Requirements

Parameter Requirement
Water Temperature 78-84°F
pH Level 4.5-6.5
Water Hardness 0-4 dGH
Diet High-quality flake or pellet food supplemented with live or frozen foods.
Tank Size 30 gallons or larger

Pterophyllum leopoldi

Pterophyllum leopoldi

Pterophyllum leopoldi, also known as the dwarf angelfish or Leopold's angelfish, is a smaller and more compact species compared to other angelfish types. It is native to the Amazon River basin and is known for its vibrant colors and peaceful nature.

Key Features:

  • Compact body with rounded fins.
  • Available in various color variations, including black, silver, and gold.
  • Typically grows up to 3-4 inches in height.
  • Peaceful and suitable for community tanks.

Table: Pterophyllum leopoldi Care Requirements

Parameter Requirement
Water Temperature 75-82°F
pH Level 6.0-7.5
Water Hardness 3-8 dGH
Diet High-quality flake or pellet food supplemented with live or frozen foods.
Tank Size 10 gallons or larger

Pterophyllum dumerilii

Pterophyllum dumerilii

Pterophyllum dumerilii, commonly known as the Dumeril's angelfish or Manacapuru angelfish, is a stunning species that originates from the Amazon River basin. It is highly sought after by angelfish enthusiasts due to its unique coloration and striking patterns.

Key Features:

  • Distinctive black and white striped pattern on its body.
  • Typically grows up to 6 inches in height.
  • Requires soft and slightly acidic water conditions.
  • Compatible with other peaceful fish species.

Table: Pterophyllum dumerilii Care Requirements

Parameter Requirement
Water Temperature 78-84°F
pH Level 6.0-7.0
Water Hardness 3-6 dGH
Diet High-quality flake or pellet food supplemented with live or frozen foods.
Tank Size 20 gallons or larger

Pterophyllum eimekei

Pterophyllum eimekei

Pterophyllum eimekei, also known as the Eimekei angelfish, is a rare and lesser-known species of angelfish. It is native to the Rio Negro basin in Brazil and is highly prized for its unique coloration and peaceful temperament.

Key Features:

  • Distinctive blue coloration with vertical black stripes.
  • Typically grows up to 6 inches in height.
  • Requires soft and slightly acidic water conditions.
  • Compatible with other peaceful fish species.

Table: Pterophyllum eimekei Care Requirements

Parameter Requirement
Water Temperature 78-84°F
pH Level 6.0-7.0
Water Hardness 3-6 dGH
Diet High-quality flake or pellet food supplemented with live or frozen foods.
Tank Size 20 gallons or larger


Choosing the right angelfish type for your aquarium is an important decision, especially for beginners. The top 5 angelfish types discussed in this article, including Pterophyllum scalare, Pterophyllum altum, Pterophyllum leopoldi, Pterophyllum dumerilii, and Pterophyllum eimekei, offer a range of options to suit different preferences and skill levels.

Remember to consider the specific care requirements, compatibility with other fish species, and the size of your tank before making a decision. Providing a suitable environment, proper nutrition, and regular maintenance are key to keeping angelfish healthy and happy.

By following the guidelines and insights provided in this article, you can confidently choose the perfect angelfish type for your aquarium and enjoy the beauty and elegance they bring to your underwater world.

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